
Supermarkets have lost sight of customers

 Due to the unforeseen circumstances almost all of the supermarkets have axed butchers. And have gone down the path of pre packed meats to get more life out of these gas flushed products.more worried about selling what they have bought and don’t care about how long  it’s been on shelf  for . So when u go to open that packet you have bought from the supermarkets you are eating a product that has been on the shelf for 2 to 3 weeks maybe more I have even seen them peel usebye dates of and put a new one on to maximise their profits  Not to mention you can only buy what they put on tray even if it’s to much for  you. Compared with the stand alone butcher who meat has only been in cabinet for 3 to 5 days . And higher quality not to mention . I believe the supermarkets have lost their way putting the company first instead of customers. Butchers would love to give specials and below coast but it’s no viable as they have wages insurance rent to consider if a butcher could by in containers they

Afl in crises mode game is not what it was invented AFL FIX IT

 ok I have lot to say about this i have played and watched the AFL for over 20 years  i started following the west coast eagles in 1986 then my 2 cousin captain them for 2 years Murray Rance over the last 5 year i think the sport has lost it art form  the day of 100 goal ff have gone the bumps are all but  dead and buried and now the tackling i i.e. if a player hits his head on the ground will get suspended a Bump that hits the players head suspended  and this sliding for the ball and take the players feet out suspended or free kick what ever happened to first to the ball oh my where has the game gone it has always been a contact sport i think the Afl are trying to stamp aal contact out of the came to cover their ass from law suits from previous players either run out of money or no job after football  maybe they should develop a path way for these players so when they hang their boots up they have a job to go to yes they wont get the money like their playing days this is where the AFL

No butchers in 2 years here’s y

 Here are some of the home truth about butchering and wages  We all know as a sparkie electrician after 4 years you on anywhere from $80 to $150 per hour  Mechanics anywhere from $60 to $120 per hour after a 4 year trade  Plumbers $40 to $100 per hour after a 4 year trade all these trade are recognised as a trade  where as a butcher is not recognised as a trade although it take 4 years to complete  And will get  a measly $25 per hour   trade so need to do 60 hours to make it worth while  And those who say well put prices up Dosent work as consumers are not willing to pay the price  Now as I’ve been an owner am butchers I can tell you their a lot more expenses in a butcher shop than  the other trades  For example we have to sell meat within 7 days  Where as other trades parts don’t go off  Insurance on public’s liabilities insurance on staff  plus staff super rent one of the most expensive part inside a shopping Center plus trying to keep the customers with not to high prices so if a bu

What to do during bankruptcy

 Ok this is really hard for me to apprehend o unfortunately had become bankrupt because of butcher shop everything was going good until inflation and Woolies opening up near butcher shop  Now while their ain’t many jobs out their at the moment with lots of little small business closing up  I for one do not wish to work 75 to 80 hours for some else  Apparently you can run a small business but cannot run a company  But must comply to trusste conditions  I am interested in running another small business but not as a butcher I have done this for the last 20 years just wondering what I could do with no funds I can mow lawns but this would be seasonal and it winter here Australia what’s could I do indoors open to suggestions 

have you ever started a successful side hustle?

 i have come to that point in life where i have lost 2 business now both were successful in their 2 years  operating  in the  3rd year it  was a down wood spiral from a lack of finances  as i was not prepared for more financial expenses ie rent insurance wages the longer i was in business the more  the rent when up and the running cost. i  have been in 2 shopping centers now at the amount of greed that's comes from landlords when shop doing ok they forget about the down time when shop not doing so well  and the circumstance that are our of our control ie covid inflation price rises on goods   now i have decided  not to  rent any shopping spaces out to avoid the burden of  overheads. im curios to know what sought of side hustle you started any government restrictions you came across in Australia state by state whether it be a service to a community or buying selling intrigued to hear what you have stared with no capital or tiny  capital i cant see my self working for a company as i

Dislike management in the corporate world why i dislike

 ok im going to be brutel here i have been on bothsides of the fence My self  To many mannagers and ceos are  like the old saying  too many cooks spoil the broth  you dont know who to turn to  some managers think they know it all  and if your in traing for management to learn the police’s and procedures  they look down on you and think how did you get here your in mangement you need to act like it  well excuse me i just ran a successful shop for over 5  years on my own with no upper management so yes i do know about leadership  so having too much  upper management at  the lower end of scale management think their far more important than the workers below them  well sorry buddy if it wasnt for those worker below you busting their  arses to make you look good   i for one dont tolerate that sought of stupidy and demeaning  and the promblem with this sought of management will  depend on the size of the company  The lower end of management wont care how much money their loosing  as the old