Dislike management in the corporate world why i dislike

 ok im going to be brutel here i have been on bothsides of the fence My self 

To many mannagers and ceos are  like the old saying

 too many cooks spoil the broth 

you dont know who to turn to 

some managers think they know it all 

and if your in traing for management to learn the police’s and procedures 

they look down on you and think how did you get here your in mangement you need to act like it 

well excuse me i just ran a successful shop for over 5 

years on my own with no upper management so yes i do know about leadership 

so having too much  upper management at  the lower end of scale management think their far more important than the workers below them 

well sorry buddy if it wasnt for those worker below you busting their  arses to make you look good  

i for one dont tolerate that sought of stupidy and demeaning 

and the promblem with this sought of management will  depend on the size of the company 

The lower end of management wont care how much money their loosing 

as the old age sayin (not my money) 

um well yes it is if you look at the big picture they keep loosing it you will eventually be out of a job after you keep firing the little guys who make you look good

i never once did that to my staff 

they were my equal yes the bucked stopped with me 

no one higher to say it was upper management fault  in a larger corporate would it’s a bit like Chinese whisper games no thanks 


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