have you ever started a successful side hustle?

 i have come to that point in life where i have lost 2 business now both were successful in their 2 years  operating 

in the  3rd year it  was a down wood spiral from a lack of finances  as i was not prepared for more financial expenses ie rent insurance wages the longer i was in business the more the rent when up and the running cost.

i  have been in 2 shopping centers now at the amount of greed that's comes from landlords when shop doing ok they forget about the down time when shop not doing so well 

and the circumstance that are our of our control ie covid inflation price rises on goods 

 now i have decided  not to  rent any shopping spaces out to avoid the burden of overheads.

im curios to know what sought of side hustle you started any government restrictions you came across in Australia state by state whether it be a service to a community or buying selling intrigued to hear what you have stared with no capital or tiny capital

i cant see my self working for a company as i have worked for my self for so long now i need to get some sought of side hustle of the ground and involve into a business where i can work from home look forward to seeing the responses


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