
Showing posts from May, 2023

have you ever started a successful side hustle?

 i have come to that point in life where i have lost 2 business now both were successful in their 2 years  operating  in the  3rd year it  was a down wood spiral from a lack of finances  as i was not prepared for more financial expenses ie rent insurance wages the longer i was in business the more  the rent when up and the running cost. i  have been in 2 shopping centers now at the amount of greed that's comes from landlords when shop doing ok they forget about the down time when shop not doing so well  and the circumstance that are our of our control ie covid inflation price rises on goods   now i have decided  not to  rent any shopping spaces out to avoid the burden of  overheads. im curios to know what sought of side hustle you started any government restrictions you came across in Australia state by state whether it be a service to a community or buying selling intrigued to hear what you have stared with no capital or tiny  capital i cant see my self working for a company as i

Dislike management in the corporate world why i dislike

 ok im going to be brutel here i have been on bothsides of the fence My self  To many mannagers and ceos are  like the old saying  too many cooks spoil the broth  you dont know who to turn to  some managers think they know it all  and if your in traing for management to learn the police’s and procedures  they look down on you and think how did you get here your in mangement you need to act like it  well excuse me i just ran a successful shop for over 5  years on my own with no upper management so yes i do know about leadership  so having too much  upper management at  the lower end of scale management think their far more important than the workers below them  well sorry buddy if it wasnt for those worker below you busting their  arses to make you look good   i for one dont tolerate that sought of stupidy and demeaning  and the promblem with this sought of management will  depend on the size of the company  The lower end of management wont care how much money their loosing  as the old

butchers will be extint by 2025

my reason  for this is because  the the consumers are changing and  has alot  to do with inflation and wages rising . some .will say wages are not rising depends on the company your with   you also maybe already getting above the award wage so no need for those company to raise your wage  as for the butchers we have dont mind paying a lil extra  but for those who are price driven will fall of as a butcher shop customer   we need them all the customer we can get if we don't we will fail  but in the world we are living at the moment it is price driven  and people that would  usually by from the butcher have either cut back or gone back to the supermarket due to the inflation  so therefore to  keep your house you will cut back on a lot of things the first to go is your food bill then fuel  i seriously don't think inflation as stopped yet we will  rise quite a bit more  yet i am forecasting  an inflation of 22% by mid February  2024 and the great depression = to the 1946 is coming

why i dont rate sausage kings awards from small butchers

 why i dont rate the best sausage awards from sausage kings i rate are fake  why  well i have been to every one of these so called famous sausages king  site and  by far don't even come close to a good sausage that was on the shelf on the competition day they only make it really good on that day not every day for the every day consumer as it time consuming i think its poor on their part i never entered a competition as i was into making sausages good every day as its not hard to keep the recipes consistent my local customers that  i had gained due to this had told me over the counter  could not tell you how many times i have herd of this this was the whole reason i went to all these sites to see first-hand for myself also purchasing these so called winner sausages i for one would be open to winning the sausage award on a day to day bases not a one time entry fee where $$$ were up for grabs and bragging right are not true due to my above comments  over the coming weeks im going to e

things to consider when starting a butcher shop

 i have successfully started a butcher shop on $11000 as all the equipment was already in the shop i lasted 3 years was hard work but run out of money few key factors here i will elaborated on a bit later but for now i recommend buying your Equpment this will help for resale of business as you will have something to sell other than good will you can pick up second hand products of gumtree Facebook  the machines you will need are  (mincer bandsaw sausage filler counter display cash register food cling wrap cryvac machine large chest freezer) commercial mincer roughy second hand $7000 to $10000 bandsaw $8000 to $15000 sausage filler $3000 to $9000 cry vac machine $3500 to $10000 tables for prep work will need 2 so around $3000 for 2  so give or take $37000 to $40000 for equipment as for stock meat and$ marinades sausage making ingredients $15000 so in total $55000 to $60000 is enough to start up by i recommend have a spare $30000 to $40000 tucked away for those Quiter months like January

lambs lambs from butcher vs lambs from supermarket

 okay a lot of misconception about lambs and its  toughness. as i said in the beef  blog its all about ageing the supermarket do not age their meat hence why its tough  now i know some butcher lambs are tough the reason is they haven't  followed this process. and that is poor practice  by the butcher i also like to hang the lamb for 7 days before i cut it up  as then  i know i have given the correct about of time for enzymes to break down  now to the breed they  do play a vital role in butcher shop but this is because of the consumer misconceptions of what off meat should  looks like before purchase the reason merino don't go in butcher shop is they go dark in the first day and not that beautiful reddish colour that everyone wants although they are fresh everyone buys with their eyes  in the supermarket it is filled with merinos as they by and sell by volume hence the cheap price some over priced but anyways  most of the good breed ie dorper's will stay that nice colour for

butcher vs supermarket meats

THE BEEF differences  a lot of customers are confused about butcher and supermarket meat weel i can tell you their is a huge difference and why that is prepare to become knowledgeable like your local butcher  first of all the main difference is the quality of the product beef from the supermarket is generally  a lot older and has not had time to rest ie 10 to 14 days so basically this is the main reason the product is tough  and most are generally from feedlot so small areas and a lot of beef are stressed from birth to slaughter is also another reason also in my journey as a butcher  i have heard a lot of customers complain about the water coming out if steaks bought from the supermarket the reason for this as it was killed yesterday and on your plate today they snap freeze it in water baths so when they get distuputuide around the country they get sliced up frozen on a machine they cryvaced in those plastic trays so think about all the wet moister that has now been created its got no

butcher vs supemarket

i am a qualified  butcher for more than 20 years ,I am  hear to share with with  i have learned over the years  and what to look out for  as i update my blog i will post pictures of sausages and what to look out for  1 tip at the moment is if their in a plastic skin also known as a synthetic casings avoid.  yes it is safe for us to eat the edible plastic . it also takes a while for our bodies to breakdown this product  the sausage will also be rubbery and hard this is not how a sausage should look. always look for natural casings' will give you a far better product the sausage should give a snap sound after cooking these sausages will not split on you . the most reason sausages will split will be to much filling or to much water like the amount of water in those mushy paste sausages from the supermarket. a good sausage should be a pale reddish pink colour if is brown don't touch it as the meat was meant to be thrown out or the skins had become out of date and or off  tis is bad